Following are statements made by members of North Carolina's congressional delegation on the violent confrontation in Charlottesville, Va., and President Donald Trump's reaction to it:

"I wish the President would find a way to be a little more diplomatic in the choice of words that he uses."

— Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr

"When it comes to white supremacists and neo-Nazis, there can be no equivocating: They’re propagators of hate and bigotry. Period."

— Republican U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis

"The events that took place in Charlottesville last weekend were an abhorrent display of bigotry and violence organized by white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klansmen. The statement that President Trump made on Tuesday was appalling, but not at all surprising for a man who frequently aligns himself with fascists and is praised by the likes of David Duke. It was truly a sad day for the institution of the presidency."

— Democratic 4th District Congressman David Price

"The message of white nationalists, supremacists and other groups that project hate is evil and contrary to God’s call to love all mankind and that every life is valuable. I hope the voices of Americans, especially those of faith, will be loud enough to drown out every voice of hate."

— Republican 6th District Congressman Mark Walker

"I was disappointed that President Trump waited two days before specifically condemning the Charlottesville terror attack and the violence perpetrated by white supremacist groups. His failure to not immediately and powerfully condemn these terror groups by name was a clear message that he is supportive of or indifferent to their cause based on ideology or politics, either of which is unacceptable for an American president."

— Democratic 1st District Congressman G.K. Butterfield

"This morning, in the newspaper, Mark Heyer, the father of Heather Heyer, the young woman killed in Charlottesville, said 'the lesson of the tragedy in Charlottesville is that people on all sides need to learn to forgive one another.' What Mr. Heyer said is sublime and amazing, given the tragedy that has fallen on his family. We will all be better off – and better people – if we take his message to heart, instead of walking down the road of recrimination and strife."

— Republican 2nd District Congressman George Holding

"When the President was elected, he promised to unite us. Yesterday, the President’s erratic and despicable press conference slammed the door on that promise. President Trump has tragically become the divisive demagogue we feared he would be. Upon election, he took a sacred oath to represent every American, regardless of race, religion or creed, yet sadly, President Trump has failed at this most basic responsibility. Instead of being a steady leader in a time of national crisis, he has recklessly turned to the podium to once again make a mockery of the presidency and of the citizens he swore to serve. We can no longer justify or tolerate these actions. I call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do what this President has failed to do. It is time for us to stand united and resolute in our efforts to fight racism, bigotry and hate. In the absence of a true leader, Congress must step up and defend our progress, unify our nation and hold this administration accountable."

— Democratic 12th District Congresswoman Alma Adams

"The actions of white supremacists should be condemned in like manner as Islamic terrorists. There is no place in our society for pernicious violence and racial hatred."

— Republican 9th District Congressman Robert Pittenger

"The violence and hate in Charlottesville are unacceptable and un-American. We must stand united in condemning this vile bigotry."

— Republican 8th District Congressman Richard Hudson

"Personally, I do not think an impulsive decision to pull down every Confederate monument in North Carolina is wise. In my opinion, rewriting history is a fool’s errand, and those trying to rewrite history unfortunately are likely taking a first step toward repeating it. Two years ago, the state Senate unanimously passed a bill that tried to reduce the politics in making these decisions. I believe many current members of the Senate would be hesitant to begin erasing our state and country’s history by replacing that process with a unilateral removal of all monuments with no public discourse.

I don't have a lot of answers about what we can do to heal the wounds of racial injustice that still exist in our state and country. But I know it won't happen with angry mobs."

— N.C. Sen. Phil Berger


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Matthew Burns

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