Pat McCrory Promise Tracker

Gov. Pat McCrory took office on Jan. 5, 2013, and like all politicians has made some promises to get the post. 

As the state's first Republican governor in 20 years, McCrory will face some unique problems and challenges, even with a GOP-controlled legislature. WRAL News will keep up with the promises he made on the campaign trail to track his successes and failures over a four-year term. Is he able to cut taxes and reform government as he promised? Will teachers be paid for performance and will North Carolina move ahead with natural gas drilling? 

Story: McCrory has promises to keep

How it works

Scroll down and select a promise for its source, a summary and a check on its status. We'll also score it on the following scale:

  • Achieved: The promise has been kept.
  • Kept so far: McCrory has promised an ongoing behavior, such as refusing to sign a specific type of bill, and has thus far stuck to it. This is a promise that will be fully achieved only at the the end of his first term. 
  • In progress: McCrory is working on the promise in question or hasn't had a reasonable amount of time to tackle the issue. 
  • Mixed Results: McCrory has partially achieved his promised by failed to fully meet his goal.
  • Failed: McCrory gave it a go but ran into problems, such as opposition from the legislature, that blocked his way.
  • Broken: McCrory had the ability to follow through on his promise by did not do so. 


Why doesn't WRAL track promises for President Barack Obama?

Many national news organizations track the president's performance. An especially good one is the Obameter available from Politifact at

Why didn't WRAL track promises for previous governors, including Bev Perdue?

In short, we didn't have the resources to pull this off when Gov. Perdue began her term.

We are always adding features to and among our commitments is transparent reporting on your elected representatives. We have expanded that coverage with @NCCapitol and the addition of staffers dedicated to more detailed, data-driven reporting from the legislature.

You can expect to see additional features over time.

How did WRAL choose which promises to track?

We identified 33 instances where Pat McCrory made specific, measurable promises on the campaign trail -- either through policy positions on his campaign website or in statements during debates or to the news media. Each statement will be scored on a scale ranging from "Achieved," for promises kept, to "Broken" where McCrory reverses himself.


Mark Binker
Valerie Aguirre
Web Editor
Jodi Leese Glusco

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